our new chapter

RARE is an online bookstore and we are happy to have you visit our new site. Our name stands for Remarkable, Authentic, Resilient, and Empowered which reflects the stories and books I personally experienced throughout my youth. These types of books allowed me to  find the words that represent who I am, how I feel, and who I could be; which is why I continue to read today. 

Here at RARE our mission is to shine a spotlight on Black and brown stories. We recognize the power of black and brown voices. We choose not to overlook them because for far too long our voices have been silenced. 

In the near future we will have book related apparel, journals, and accessories. As well our newsletter will feature reviews, recommendations, artists you should know, book club notes, book related articles and photography, etc. Please contact RARE at rarepressllc@gmail.com to express your desire to contribute.

We appreciate your support in our pursuit to facilitate Black Storytelling and Authorship.

Love & Light,

Ashley Rhame